We Develop Elite Hockey Players

Use your off-ice hours to rise above and dominate the rink with Online Hockey Training.


Quit Dreaming, Start Dominating. Be Elite.

Check Out My 10 Part Series

How Online Hockey Training Can Make

Your Hockey Dreams Come True?

Check out our 10-part video series to find out exactly what it'll take to realize yours.


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Where Our Players Play

Our Players Speak: Confidence and Competitive Edge

"Improved Stickhandling Skills:  Best Value for Hockey Development"

"Having my kids work with Online Hockey Training has been the best value we have ever experienced for hockey development. We have noticed a marked improvement in the stickhandling abilities of our son and daughter."

Elise G., hockey parent

"Fun and Exciting Stickhandling Practice!"

"Online Hockey Training makes learning and practicing new stickhandling skills fun and exciting. It challenges me to be a better player and then helps me do it!"

Brittney, 14, hockey player

"Boost Your Confidence and Gain a Competitive Edge"

"I felt more confident with the puck on my stick and would recommend the Online Hockey Training program to hockey players at any level. It’s a skill set that players need to work on to get an edge on the competition."

Tim Jackman, ex-NHL player